Case In Point is a creative conversation game for any setting.
The goal is more thoughtful and entertaining conversation by using structure and imagination. Think of it as a catalyst for a better gathering in which stories, evidence, and deep thought (or wit) prevail.
A universal cue card is combined with a specific context card to create a unique and provocative prompt. Reflect and share a concrete anecdote to illustrate a point.
No clue? Deal again or swap for a new card.
The web version here only provides a quick teaser. The complete game is for in-person groups using a format that is quasi-competitive with roles, rounds, and choices.
We’re currently in development and looking for beta testers, feedback, and support for our fundraising campaign. Stay in touch with us below.
We’re curious people who appreciate social nuance and depth but often feel exhausted by small talk and shallow communication norms that don't get past where we're from and what we do.
We know that comedy requires narrative, debate requires evidence, and connection requires depth. Yet too often opportunities for a meaningful exchange are missed in favor of being polite or not sounding stupid. Whether it’s ice-breaking, ideation, humor, or reflection, we think that a simple prompt, with context, can reveal the curious and creative side in us all.
© 2024 Case In Point, LLC. All rights reserved.